Wednesday, October 6, 2010

About this and that

       What are people interested in reading? Who knows everybody is so different. So I can only write about what I reality. So you already know about the sucess of my parents relationship. Well unfortunately my brother and I have not had very much sucess in that department. I got married at 25 and my marriage lasted oh about 10 months. Everyone always told me things will change when you get married and I didn't believe them but oh boy they were right in my case. Before getting hitched my mate worked regularly. He was layed off from his job a week before the wedding and once we married he didn't even bother looking for a job. I drove 3 hours a day round trip to my job and back at least 6 days a week. When I left for work he would be sitting on the couch, in his underwear. When I returned home from work, he would be sitting on the couch, in his underwear. WTF??? Everyday I would ask, "Did you go look for a job today?" and everyday the response would be there is nothing out there.
      Of course knowing my parents were united at such an early age you should also know they didn't have very much money. My brother and I pretty much grew up in resturants while mom and dad were working all the time to feed and clothe us.
      So back to my lovely spouse at the time. I suggested there were several resturants in our area maybe you need to check those to find work. He responded with, "I'm too good to work in a resturant." REALLY, that is actually how I was putting food on the table. We didn't have kids together, but he had two little girls. So now he wasn't working and I was left holding the bag, bills, food and child support. I did all this by working in a resturant!!! Long story short, it didn't take me long to get out of that not so smart decision. So I RAN back to my mom and dad.....LOL

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